0. Getting Started

This article combines all the overall information what you would need to know to get started using Adact.

With Adact you can create hundreds of different interactive campaigns for lead generation, marketing, HR, Employee engagement, presentations and conferences.

Any time you are thinking of communicating a message to your audience then consider turning that message interactive with any of Adact campaigns.

They will always get the message across with better results!

To create a campaign for the first time, we'd suggest following these 7 steps along with the guide to understand how Adact works.

  1. Choose a campaign type you wish to build
  2. Add your content and design your experience
  3. Add the surrounding landing page and different screens that accompany the campaign
  4. Decide on your campaign screen flow
  5. Decide if you wish to distribute any prizes
  6. Decide how and where you want your users to interact with the campaign
  7. Publish the campaign

In this Category of topics we will briefly go over each of the 7 points and linking to various other articles that help you delve more deeper into each topic separately.

Next step https://help.adact.me/choose-campaign-type

Next step is choosing a campaign type you wish to build. Read more about it here.