5. Decide if you wish to distribute any prizes

Prizes are a crucial part of a successful gamification campaign. Here you can get an overview on how to add them.

The third option from the left navigation menu is the "Prizes".

Adding a new prize is available for each campaign and will be helpful if you want to motivate players to take part in this campaign.

To start adding prizes, open the page on the left side called Prizes inside the campaign. In here you can setup different prizes and rules for winning the prizes.

Here you can fill in all the relevant information for the prize

When adding a prize there are 3 sections to fill out

1) Information - Prize name, description, image and amount.

2) Rules - How can players win this prize.

3) Codes - Do you want to use your specific unique codes for the prize.

In this short overview article I will cover the basic concept of adding a prize. Click here for a more detailed description.

Prizes in Adact are either instantly won or can be raffled manually by deciding the lucky winners.

For example if you were to have a campaign where "Each player who participates gets a 10% discount voucher as soon as they finish the game"  then you would add an instant win prize titled 10%.

If you were to have a campaign where "You will pick one lucky winner to win an iPhone from all the players who participate" then you would add a raffle prize titled "iPhone".

You can even add multiple prizes with different logic to one campaign. So you could add both of the options to one campaign where all players will get 10% discount and in the end you will also raffle the phone.

Click here to read "How to show different information to players based on the prize they won"