1. Choose a campaign type you wish to build

Here we will cover different campaign types and explain how to choose which campaign type to build in different occasions

There are over 50 unique campaign types to choose from. Each of them has their own flavor and setup. 

TIP: If you are not sure which campaign to build then get in touch with your Customer Success Manager who is happy to help you in deciding the correct campaign type

Overall there are 4 main category of campaigns as follows:

Questionnaire type games

These games represents experience where you would ask a question from your audience and they would provide their response or opinion. 

Either ask question through a Jeopardy game and have your users compete for high scores or have your audience express their opinions via a Tinder game - you would ask a questions and players would swipe left or right as if in a Tinder game.

Read a case study where a Tinder game experience was used to decide which product should return to the stores: READ HERE

Competitive games

These games represent playable games where you can fully customize the game experience to match your branding. 

Usually you would create a game to see who can score the highest and maybe distribute prizes amongst the top players.

All of the competitive games come with a built in leaderboard.

Read a case study how Maks and Moorits used a Memory game in their online digital marketing campaign. READ HERE

Lottery type games

These are the good old Wheel of Fortune and other raffle type experiences where users will instantly know whether they won something or not.

Often used in E-commerce with great results by giving out discount vouchers for people who are taking part.

Read a case study how Tele 2 used a Wheel of Fortune both in a physical event and also a online: READ HERE

Interactive Video Type experiences

You can also turn Videos into interactive experiences by using any of this category experiences

You can for example upload a video and stop it at specific moments to ask a Trivia question from your audience. You could also add hotspots to the video where people can click on while watching the video to open a modal or direct them to another page.

Read a case study how Oulu city created an online video trivia experience to market their city. READ HERE