Adding a new element - Share button

This article describes how you can add a "share button" to your screens.

Adding a "Share Button" to your landing page helps more people discover your content easily when visitors share it with their friends and on social media.

How to design the sharing element?

You can design the sharing element with different options:

Form Style


Text on the button - Type in the text that you want to show on your share button.


Font - Design your text using default fonts or import your custom font. Change the size and colour to your own choice.

Sharing Options

Resize program icons with the "Icon Sizes" feature. Make them bigger or smaller according to your liking.

Sharing is a big part of increasing the reach of your campaign. You can set your campaign sharing possibility between different programs. Available options for PC are Facebook, Linked In and Telegram. For mobile Facebook, Linked In, Telegram, Messenger and WhatsApp.

Element Margins

Element margins - distance (in pixels) between the picture and the top or bottom of your element. Set the top and bottom element margins to 0px to remove the background.


You can pre-write a text for your players when they share your campaign.

Use commands like #prizeName# or #score# to automatically type their won prize or score.

For example

Let's imagine that we have an action-based campaign, where everyone who crosses the 2500 points line wins new earbuds. Our player got a score of 2650 points.

Your text:

Hey! I just won a new #prizeName# from Adact's campaign. Try it and you can win one too.
You just have to achieve a higher score than me. Mine was #score# 😎

Text shown:

Hey! I just won new earbuds from Adact's campaign. Try it and you can win one too.
You just have to achieve a higher score than me. Mine was 2650 😎



  • Choose visuals by adding your own branded picture or logo and  choose it's layout and position.
  • Choose different color to stand out! You can use your brand's color and adjust the opacity to make it perfectly suited to your needs.


  • Border - You can display and design a border with different colors and sizes.


  • Incorporating paddings into your design makes it look better and work better. Choose top, bottom, left and right paddings to make your content easier to see!

Can I design PC and Mobile view separately? 

Yes, we support different designs in PC and Mobile view. By clicking on Mobile view, you can design your campaign for mobile users in addition to PC users.

By default, you can leave the same design to Mobile view as in PC view. If you prefer a distinct design for Mobile, toggle off the "Use desktop design" option. Now, you can easily design the "Share button" separately for Mobile View, giving it a unique look suited for mobile users.

This way, you can effectively tailor the appearance of the "Share button" to match the specific needs and aesthetics of your PC and Mobile users.

For exclusive display on either PC or Mobile:
Simply toggle on the "Hide on desktop/mobile" option according to your preference. This ensures the button appears only on the selected device.