How do Account Limits work?

Different subscriptions have different limits which affect the cost of your license.

Unique Visitors per month means how many unique visitors can engage with the campaign you created with adact.

If 1 person visits the campaign 10 times, it is still considered as 1 visit.

You can also think of them as unique devices as each unqiue device will be considered as unique visitor.

Those limits are only tracked from Live campaigns - while the campaign is in Draft mode then no limits are tracked.

How do I know how many visitors will I get?

If unsure then start with the lowest limits as you can always upgrade later!

From our experience of launching over 3000 campaigns, a 2 week campaign for a mid sized brand generates on average 10 000 - 20 000 unique visitors while a larger and more well known brand is upwards of 100 000 unique visitors.

After your first campaign you will know what to expect and then adjust accordingly.

What happens if I run out of limits?

Firstly we will notify you in various ways ( e-mail, notifcations etc.) when the subscription is nearing its limits.

We will not suddenly end your campaign even if you have 100% limits full. Instead we will try to get in touch with you to learn about your plans. Only after you have exceeded over 110% of your possible limits, we temporarily set the campaign to paused until we hear about your plans.

Do not worry - If you let us know about your intentions to upgrade the license but you require few additional days to sort out the procurement then we are happy to extend the license ahead of time and will not pause your campaigns

Communication is key and we are always happy to discuss! With any questions always fill out the support ticket to get in touch with your customer success manager!